dotSwift Workshop day

February 7th, 2015 ยท Paris, France

The Saturday after the main conference will be dedicated to a series of workshops hosted by our partners.

Your ticket for the conference does not grant you admission to the workshops. Space being limited, please only register if you are sure to attend.



Location: Le 39 - 39 rue Beauregard, 75002 Paris (map)

Hours: 2pm-5pm

Host(s): JP Simard and Marius Rackwitz, engineers on the Swift & Objective-C Realm framework, both speakers at dotSwift

Building Frameworks with Swift

In this workshop, you'll create a Swift wrapper framework around a small existing Objective-C library.
In the process, we'll be learning how to vendor dependencies, writing code 'The Swift Way', documenting your interface, working around tooling limitations and even publishing your framework for the world to use.


  • You will need a laptop with Xcode 6.1.1 or later installed